Coupon Snippet Unexpected Behaviour on WooCommerce Checkout page: Unravel the Mystery
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Coupon Snippet Unexpected Behaviour on WooCommerce Checkout page: Unravel the Mystery

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If you’re a WooCommerce store owner, you’ve likely stumbled upon the frustration of a coupon snippet misbehaving on your checkout page. It’s a common issue that can leave you scratching your head, wondering what’s going on. Fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to dive deep into the world of WooCommerce coupon snippets and uncover the secrets behind this unexpected behavior.

What is a Coupon Snippet, Anyway?

A coupon snippet is a small piece of code that you add to your WooCommerce checkout page to display a coupon code to customers. It’s a great way to incentivize purchases, promote special offers, and increase conversions. However, when things go awry, it can be a real headache.

Common Symptoms of Coupon Snippet Unexpected Behaviour

So, how do you know if your coupon snippet is misbehaving? Look out for these common symptoms:

  • Coupon code not displaying on the checkout page
  • Coupon code displaying incorrectly (e.g., partially hidden or overlapping with other elements)
  • Coupon code not applying correctly (e.g., discount not being applied or being applied incorrectly)
  • Emails being sent with incorrect or missing coupon codes

Causes of Coupon Snippet Unexpected Behaviour

Now that we’ve identified the symptoms, let’s get to the root cause of the issue. Here are some common culprits behind coupon snippet unexpected behavior:

  1. Incompatible Theme or Plugin: If your theme or a plugin is not compatible with WooCommerce, it can cause conflicts that affect the coupon snippet’s behavior.
  2. Improperly Added Code: If the coupon snippet code is not added correctly to your site, it can lead to unexpected behavior.
  3. CSS or JavaScript Conflicts: Conflicts with CSS or JavaScript files can affect the layout and functionality of the coupon snippet.
  4. WooCommerce Configuration Issues: Incorrectly configured WooCommerce settings can cause issues with the coupon snippet.
  5. Cache and Minification Issues: Aggressive caching and minification can cause issues with the coupon snippet’s JavaScript code.

Troubleshooting and Fixing Coupon Snippet Unexpected Behaviour

Now that we’ve covered the causes, let’s get to the good stuff – troubleshooting and fixing the issue! Follow these steps to resolve the problem:

Step 1: Check Compatibility

Verify that your theme and plugins are compatible with WooCommerce. Check the theme and plugin documentation, as well as the WooCommerce compatibility page, to ensure that everything is up-to-date and compatible.

Step 2: Review Code Addition

Double-check that the coupon snippet code was added correctly to your site. Make sure it’s placed in the correct location (e.g., functions.php file or a custom plugin) and formatted correctly.

Step 3: Inspect CSS and JavaScript

Use the browser’s developer tools to inspect the CSS and JavaScript files on your site. Look for any conflicting styles or scripts that might be affecting the coupon snippet.

Step 4: Review WooCommerce Configuration

Check your WooCommerce settings to ensure that everything is configured correctly. Pay particular attention to the coupon settings, payment gateways, and email settings.

Step 5: Clear Cache and Minification

Clear your site’s cache and minification to ensure that the coupon snippet’s JavaScript code is being loaded correctly. You may need to clear the cache on your server, as well as any caching plugins you’re using.

Step 6: Test and Verify

Test the coupon snippet on your site to ensure that it’s working correctly. Verify that the coupon code is displaying correctly, applying correctly, and being sent in emails as expected.

Example Code Snippet for Coupon Display

If you’re still having trouble, here’s an example code snippet that you can use to display a coupon code on your WooCommerce checkout page:

function custom_coupon_display() {
  $coupon_code = 'MYCOUPONCODE'; // Replace with your coupon code
  $coupon_description = 'Get 10% off your order!'; // Replace with your coupon description
  <div class="coupon-wrap">
    <p><strong>Use coupon code: </strong><code><?php echo $coupon_code; ?></code></p>
    <p><?php echo $coupon_description; ?></p>
add_action( 'woocommerce_before_checkout_form', 'custom_coupon_display' );


Coupon snippet unexpected behavior on your WooCommerce checkout page can be frustrating, but with a little patience and troubleshooting, you can resolve the issue. Remember to check compatibility, review code addition, inspect CSS and JavaScript, review WooCommerce configuration, clear cache and minification, and test and verify. By following these steps and using the example code snippet, you’ll be well on your way to displaying coupon codes correctly on your checkout page.

Common Issue Possible Cause Solution
Coupon code not displaying Incompatible theme or plugin Check compatibility and update theme/plugin
Coupon code displaying incorrectly CSS or JavaScript conflicts Inspect CSS and JavaScript files, and resolve conflicts
Coupon code not applying correctly WooCommerce configuration issue Review WooCommerce settings and ensure correct configuration

By following these steps and understanding the causes of coupon snippet unexpected behavior, you’ll be able to troubleshoot and resolve the issue quickly and easily. Happy coding, and happy selling!

Frequently Asked Question

Got issues with coupon snippets on your WooCommerce checkout page? We’ve got the answers!

Why is my coupon snippet not applying the discount on the checkout page?

This might be due to a conflict with another plugin or theme. Try deactivating other plugins and switching to a default theme to isolate the issue. Also, ensure that the coupon is correctly configured and valid for the products in the customer’s cart.

Can I customize the appearance of the coupon snippet on my WooCommerce checkout page?

Yes, you can customize the appearance of the coupon snippet using CSS. You can add custom styles to your theme’s stylesheet or use a plugin like CSS Hero to target the coupon snippet element and modify its appearance.

Why is the coupon snippet showing even when the coupon is not applicable?

This might be due to a configuration issue. Make sure that the coupon snippet is set to only show when the coupon is applicable. You can also try using a conditional statement in your code to hide the coupon snippet when the coupon is not valid.

Can I use multiple coupon snippets on my WooCommerce checkout page?

Yes, you can use multiple coupon snippets on your WooCommerce checkout page. However, make sure to configure each coupon snippet correctly and test them thoroughly to avoid any conflicts or issues.

How do I troubleshoot issues with my coupon snippet on the WooCommerce checkout page?

To troubleshoot issues with your coupon snippet, check the WooCommerce error logs, enable debug mode, and test the coupon snippet in a sandbox environment. You can also try seeking help from a developer or the WooCommerce support team.