Why is it divided into two parts in the new version of the Blazor project in abp framework?
Image by Derick - hkhazo.biz.id

Why is it divided into two parts in the new version of the Blazor project in abp framework?

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Are you wondering why the new version of the Blazor project in the ABP framework is divided into two parts? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive into the reasons behind this design decision and explore the benefits it brings to your development experience.

The Evolution of Blazor Projects in ABP Framework

In the early days of ABP framework, Blazor projects were created as a single project, containing both the UI and API layers. This approach worked well for smaller applications, but as projects grew in complexity, it became clear that a more modular and scalable approach was needed.

The new version of the Blazor project in ABP framework addresses this limitation by dividing the project into two distinct parts: the MyProject.Web and MyProject.Application projects.

What is MyProject.Web?

The MyProject.Web project is responsible for the UI layer of your application. This project contains all the Blazor components, pages, and layouts that make up the user interface of your application.

This project is responsible for:

  • Rendering the UI components
  • Handling user interactions
  • Providing a responsive and interactive user experience

In essence, the MyProject.Web project is the client-side of your application, responsible for rendering the UI and interacting with the API layer.

What is MyProject.Application?

The MyProject.Application project is responsible for the API layer of your application. This project contains the business logic, data access, and API endpoints that power your application.

This project is responsible for:

  • Defining the application’s business logic
  • Providing data access to the UI layer
  • Implementing API endpoints for data manipulation and retrieval

In essence, the MyProject.Application project is the server-side of your application, responsible for providing the data and business logic that drives the UI layer.

Benefits of the Two-Part Architecture

The two-part architecture of the new Blazor project in ABP framework brings several benefits to your development experience:

  1. Separation of Concerns

    By separating the UI and API layers into distinct projects, you can focus on each layer individually, without worrying about the complexities of the other layer.

  2. Modularity and Scalability

    The two-part architecture makes it easier to scale and maintain your application, as you can update and deploy each layer independently.

  3. Improved Code Organization

    The clear separation of concerns enables better code organization, making it easier to find and maintain specific components and features.

  4. Enhanced Security

    By separating the UI and API layers, you can implement additional security measures, such as authentication and authorization, at the API layer, further securing your application.

How to Work with the Two-Part Architecture

Now that you understand the benefits of the two-part architecture, let’s explore how to work with it effectively:

Step 1: Create a New Blazor Project in ABP Framework

When creating a new Blazor project in ABP framework, you’ll notice that the project is divided into two parts: MyProject.Web and MyProject.Application.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project ToolsVersion="15.0" DefaultTargets="Build" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">
    <Compile Include="**\*.cs" />

Step 2: Define Your UI Components

In the MyProject.Web project, define your UI components, such as pages, layouts, and components, using Blazor syntax:

<@page "/">

<h1>Welcome to MyProject!</h1>


Step 3: Implement Your API Endpoints

In the MyProject.Application project, implement your API endpoints, data access, and business logic using C# and the ABP framework:

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using MyProject.Application.Dtos;
using MyProject.Application.Services;

namespace MyProject.Application.Controllers
    public class MyController : ControllerBase
        private readonly IMyService _myService;

        public MyController(IMyService myService)
            _myService = myService;

        public async Task<IActionResult> GetData()
            var data = await _myService.GetData();
            return Ok(data);


In conclusion, the two-part architecture of the new Blazor project in ABP framework is designed to provide a more modular, scalable, and maintainable development experience. By separating the UI and API layers, you can focus on each layer individually, improving code organization, security, and performance. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can effectively work with the two-part architecture and build robust, scalable, and maintainable applications using the ABP framework.

Project Responsibility
MyProject.Web UI Layer, Rendering Components, Handling User Interactions
MyProject.Application API Layer, Business Logic, Data Access, API Endpoints

Remember, the two-part architecture is designed to make your development experience easier, not harder. By embracing this new approach, you’ll be able to build more efficient, scalable, and maintainable applications using the ABP framework.


Q: Can I still use a single project structure?

A: While it’s possible to use a single project structure, it’s not recommended. The two-part architecture is designed to provide a more modular and scalable approach to development.

Q: How do I share data between the two projects?

A: You can share data between the two projects using API endpoints, data transfer objects (DTOs), and dependency injection.

Q: Can I use other frameworks besides ABP?

A: Yes, you can use other frameworks besides ABP. However, the two-part architecture is specifically designed to work with the ABP framework.

By following the guidelines outlined in this article, you’ll be able to effectively work with the two-part architecture in the new Blazor project in ABP framework. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to uncover the mysteries of the new Blazor project structure in the ABP framework!

Why is the new Blazor project divided into two parts in the ABP framework?

The new Blazor project in the ABP framework is divided into two parts to separate the presentation layer from the application layer. This allows for a cleaner architecture, making it easier to maintain and update the application.

What is the purpose of the “MyProject” folder in the new Blazor project?

The “MyProject” folder contains the application layer, which includes the business logic, data access, and services. This is where you’ll find the core functionality of your application.

What is the role of the “MyProject.Client” folder in the new Blazor project?

The “MyProject.Client” folder is responsible for the presentation layer, which includes the user interface, UI components, and client-side logic. This is where you’ll find the Blazor components and layouts that make up your application’s user interface.

How do the two parts of the new Blazor project communicate with each other?

The two parts of the new Blazor project communicate with each other through APIs and interfaces. The application layer provides APIs that the presentation layer can consume, allowing the two parts to interact seamlessly.

What are the benefits of having a separate presentation layer in the new Blazor project?

Having a separate presentation layer allows for easier maintenance, updates, and customization of the user interface. It also enables the use of different UI frameworks or libraries, giving you more flexibility in your application’s design and development.